I live in Fulton, Missouri with my wife Patricia. We attend Living Hope Christian Church. We have 6 married children. I grew up in an unchurched home in a suburb of Detroit, MI. Our home would be described as typical middle class and although we didn’t have any spiritual instruction my parents still adhered to a fairly strict Judeo-Christian tradition (respect elders, be truthful, children don’t swear, be polite, be obedient, and have the rod applied for transgressions). I attended large public schools to grade 12 and went to college for 5 years earning a degree in Architecture.
Morally, I had few boundaries growing up and got caught up in many illicit activities that formed unhealthy habits. Although I had an awareness of God and even acknowledged His existence, I had no fear of Him and experienced very little guilt. After college I married my high school girlfriend who grew up attending the Catholic Church and schools. After about 3 years of marriage my wife became a Christian and I also yielded my life to Christ 2 years later. After accepting Jesus I was able to have victory over time from my addictions and lifestyle choices. After spending 13 years attending a Protestant church and 2 years at a Baptist church, we aliated with a new birth believing Amish church in Michigan. We made the decision after being convicted of many Bible truths and principles that we weren’t living by. In 2013 we moved to Missouri to join an Amish/Mennonite church. My wife and I have ministered to married couples and singles and have received training in Biblical Counseling. It is a joy of ours to help and encourage people to and the abundant life in Christ that the Bible promises to those that love Him.