Helping men find the path to freedom…
Hope Journey Guide exists to enable any Christian struggling with unwanted sexual behavior to find a path forward. After over twenty years of cross-cultural pastoral work, Arthur Nisly felt a quiet but clear call from God to help those experiencing sexual addictions. So, since 2017, he has poured hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars into that form of ministry. Initially a part-time ministry, the abounding problem of sexual brokenness soon demanded more and more of Arthur’s time. He now spends his full workweek mentoring those on the path to freedom and coaching men who want to become mentors.
Hope Journey Guide primarily offers one-on-one mentoring for those struggling with sexual addictions but also seeks to function as a catalyst for systemically enabling healing in Conservative Anabaptist churches. Arthur conducts customized, individual mentoring for those struggling with unwanted sexual behavior, initially meeting with the mentee once a week, transitioning to a lower frequency as the mentee progresses.
JumpStart Your Freedom
In some seasons, men cannot start receiving one-on-one mentoring from Arthur immediately. So, to remediate this tension, he created a course we call JumpStart Your Freedom (JYF). This course provides the foundation for working with Arthur, reducing the amount of time one ultimately needs to work with him. To ensure that individuals still have the support that they need in the weeks or months before mentoring, Arthur has designated a correspondent to be in consistent communication with the individual, checking in and encouraging them along the way.
Dare to Get Help
We know that some men come from backgrounds where immense shame keeps them from stepping out and getting help. It’s not safe. Arthur has started a weekly meeting on Zoom (dial-in options available) for those very men — those who will dare to get help. This safe space can be accessed essentially anonymously. Here, people can share about their struggles and victories or quietly hear from others. He calls this his ‘Dare to Get Help’ group. You can read more about it at this page.
Mentor Training
Finally, Arthur doesn’t feel called to just mentor men on his own. The problem is too great for competition! He knows that it is more effective to train other men to do similar work. So, he now offers a one-year mentor training program for men who are ready to help others. He takes up to twenty men per year, but there has never been an empty slot. If you feel called, see more information here.
Meet the Team
Arthur Nisly
Founder and Mentor
During more than two decades of pastoral counseling in El Salvador, I listened to and helped men find freedom from the control of sexual sin. As a result of those experiences…
Dave Troyer
JumpStart Your Freedom Correspondent
Dave serves as a proactive guide for individuals on their recovery journey while they prepare for…
Clayton Wagler
Administrative Assistant
Clayton joined Hope Journey Guide as an assistant for Arthur in October 2023. He does his best to streamline the operational flow of Hope Journey Guide. His work includes…
Harry Shenk
HJG Mentor
Harry joined Hope Journey Guide (HJG) in the summer of 2024 as the first person to become an official mentor under the HJG umbrella…
William Moser
HJG Mentor
I grew up in an unchurched home in a suburb of Detroit, MI. Our home would be described as typical middle class and although we didn’t have any spiritual instruction, my parents…
Neal Zimmerman
HJG Mentor
My name is Neal Zimmerman, my primary identity is a follower of Jesus Christ! I am 31 years old and happily married to my wife Karen. God has blessed us with…
We guide motivated guys who want sexual freedom!
Make a donation.
Hope Journey Guide dreams of seeing every Conservative Anabaptist church be equipped to bring healing from unwanted sexual behavior. However, not everyone has the time (or calling) to go through our mentor training. If that’s you, consider enabling the efforts of others by sharing some of your financial resources.

I speak with church leaders
and you get to listen in...
On April 7, 2021 I was give the opportunity to speak to the Beachy Amish Mennonite Ministers at their annual meeting. This excerpt is of the last 30 minutes where I talked about sexual sin and proposed a way to make it safe for people to get help.
Ideas I talked about:
1:17 My Story
3:42 How has our world changed?
9:18 I have a high standard of holiness.
10:11 Typical Accountability described.
11:08 Pornography and Masturbation causes us to avoid religious activity.
13:56 What is permissible loss in the church?
16:20 What is the implied message of silence about sexual issues in our church?
18:30 We should assign and authorize gifted men to learn how to help people!
22:15 What should we be communicating?
24:10 Jesus is our model for the way to relate to people who are struggling.
27:05 “I have a Dream...”
29:15 Final Prayer
Questions People Frequently Ask Hope Journey Guide:
When you call, text, or email me asking about the free one hour telephone call I will give you access to my calendar so that you can find a time that suits you.
We will decide on a good time to talk for both of us. Usually we will be able to talk within a week. You will normally place the call.
During this first hour I will ask a lot of questions; I want to hear your story. We will decide together if the mentoring that I offer is a good fit for you.
If you decide to sign up I will email you the information that you need to pay for the first month of mentoring and how to start using the coaching software that we use.
We use Zoom video conference technology.
I can meet with you anywhere you have a good steady Internet signal and we can agree on a time to talk. You will need to have the agreed upon homework done each week.
Think about it like this: How much would it be worth to you to be free from your Unwanted Sexual Behavior (USB)? How much would you be willing to invest in order to finally find freedom from shameful thoughts and actions? What would it be worth to you to not have to cover up your secret life?
The small investment you will be making toward achieving this incredible freedom and victory for yourself through weekly hour long one-on-one mentoring with me will only be $425 per month. We will set up a monthly reoccurring payment that you can stop at any time by contacting me if you aren’t totally satisfied with the results.
For more on the cost and everything you get with Hope Journey Guide, check out the article, “What Is the Cost of Getting Help for Unwanted Sexual Behavior?”.
Those of us who grew up before the days of the Internet (mid-1990s) and the advent of the smartphone (since 2007) don’t understand how pervasive these issues are among us. We hope that by not talking about it we can keep it from happening. Actually it would be much better to make talking about this unwanted sexual behavior a talk-able subject so that those who struggle will know that it is OK to look for help and that they won’t be rejected because of their struggle with pornography, masturbation, and more.
For more on this, read “Why Conservative Anabaptists Need to Acknowledge the Sexual Struggles of Their Communities.”
Yes. I have reproduced a 45 question online Sexual Addiction Screening Test here that gives an immediate anonymous test score so that you can evaluate your personal situation. More than 6 yes answers in the first 21 questions indicates that you may very well need someone else's help to get free...
Yes, He certainly can! Most of us have heard a story or two of someone being instantly freed from an addiction the moment that they became a Christian or rededicated their lives to the Lord. However, for most of us there is an intense battle. I don’t know exactly why that is, but you can read my perspective on it here, “Can God Take Away Sinful Sexual Desires?”
Perhaps you are thinking: “My ongoing relationship with porn and masturbation isn't a big deal, is it? It doesn't affect anyone else and I'm not paying for the porn that I watch...”
Wait a minute! How much time are you spending with those behaviors each month? What if you didn't give your energy to these sinful sexual behaviors? What if instead you invested it in reading good books, learning life skills, or cultivating a creative hobby?
Probably the biggest “cost” of our sinful sexual behaviors is the damage that it does to our relationships – with God, with our spouse, with our family, and friends. You can't really love God with your whole heart if you have this secret sin that you engage in.
I share about this more in my article, “What Is the Cost for Unwanted Sexual Behavior?”
First, it is helpful to understand a few basic concepts.
Triggers are more than just sexual: Many people think that if they remove the “sexual” triggers from their lives(e.g. never going into spaces with immodestly dressed people or blocking almost all web access) they will have success. The truth, though, is that there are other, non-sexual triggers. For example, if someone has the habit of masturbating every time they go to a specific place at a specific time, it will be hard for them to resist sexual temptation in that place, even without explicit sexual material in front of them.
Emotional Wounds: Most people don’t realize that emotional wounds are a big driver for unwanted sexual behavior. These wounds can arise from a variety of experiences, especially verbal/physical/sexual abuse in one’s childhood. However, even if one does not have these wounds, everyone has experiences that cause emotional pain (e.g. rejection, anger, loneliness). Sexual behavior is often a means of soothing the pain from these experiences or wounds. If one thinks this describes their experience, we encourage them to try to find healing by processing these things with a counselor, pastor, or other trusted person.
More than just accountability: We think accountability is very helpful! As Christians, it is imperative that we walk in the light to find healing. However, for most people, accountability is no more than just reporting on sexual failures afterthey happen. If one wants to experience lasting change, they need to have relationships where they can actively make plans to avoid temptation or even reach out in the moment.
Arthur strongly believes that the only way people will change is if they have enough ‘skin in the game’ to reach out themselves to ask about help. Consider sending this link to your loved one if they would like to find greater sexual wholeness. They can schedule a free Discovery Call with Arthur to explore the possible routes to recovery.
Also, if you are interested in being further equipped by learning content such as what the bullet points above contain, feel free to check out Arthur’s Mentor Training program at this link.
Email us at if you would like to explore the possibility of a paid call where Arthur will try to give specific advice for your tough situation.
Schedule a Free Discovery Call
Absolutely no commitment required! This call simply allows you to get a sense for whether Hope Journey Guide is right for you.