Find statistics, ministries, books, and more here. Share with others so they can find freedom too!


Resources for finding freedom from unwanted sexual behavior abound for men! We’ve tried to bring together some of the ones we think will be most helpful to men in the Conservative Anabaptist community. Below, you will find the resources Arthur has created over the last five years listed first. After that, we included resources from other people. Broken sexuality stands as too large of a problem for any competition, so we welcome what other ministries and organizations are doing! If you know of any resources, individuals, or ministries that may bring us value to network with, please let us know! You can contact us at

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JumpStart Your Freedom

JumpStart Your Freedom is a course designed to quickly get someone started with the beginning stages of recovery from sexual addiction.

Arthur designed JumpStart Your Freedom to help those struggling with sexual addiction to identify key lies that are holding them hostage, provide tools for them to stop unwanted sexual behavior, remind them of the truth about themselves as a person, and find a life of lasting, sexual freedom.


Mentor Training

If you are interested in helping other men find freedom from sexual addictions, the resources below will serve you quite well. However, Arthur also offers training for men who want to become mentors. You can read more about it on our training page.

Other Resources


Covenant Eyes has compiled these statistics on pornography.

The Porn Phenomenon book printed in 2016 by Barna Research.

Anabaptist Statistics: Sattler College offers these 3 informal Anabaptist statistics that give us clues that Conservative Anabaptist Christians are not doing much better than others who surround us. Starting at about Minute 3:10 Dean Taylor comments on what they have observed.


Ministries and Websites

  1. Hope & Freedom by Milton Magness has i Can STOP: The 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction Video Series and many free videos on YouTube.

  2. Pure Desire offers local churches assistance to start “7 Pillars of Freedom” support groups. They also have the “Sexual Integrity 101” video series, which is an excellent 8-week series that is very new (2020) and that offers a lot of resources. I enjoy their podcasts with the practical tools and ideas they offer. They provide over twenty other practical downloadable tools here.

  3. MasterClass charges $30 a month for access to all their resources. They have a lot of video content from the best faith-based ministries that work with sexual brokenness. The lessons are broken down into short video clips with a downloadable PDF that can be filled out to help you retain what you learn. The organization behind this daily sexual discipleship resource is BraveHeartsUniversity. They have put on several virtual summits on these subjects of sexual recovery that are extremely valuable for those who want to learn how to help people recover from sexual addiction.

  4. Pure Life Ministries has a flagship DVD series entitled “At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry.” They offer a 9-month residential treatment program and an Overcomers At-Home study series here.

  5. Heart to Heart Counseling Center by Dr. Doug Weiss has many books for sale on their website as well as a lot of free videos on YouTube. Warpath is his online video teaching series.

  6. Setting Captives Free is a website run by a Christian group that offers a Biblical perspective through an online course that confronts our addictions. I want to highlight these free courses: Weight Loss Bootcamp, Purity Boot Camp, Campo de Entrenamiento (the same Sexual Purity course in Spanish), Purity Follow-up, and Media Addiction. They also offer a daily guided Bible Study where you answer essay questions and process how the truth applies to you. Years ago, I worked through enough of the Weight Loss Course to know that they are Biblical. If I remember right, they offer you the option of having a mentor.

  7. Matt Dobshuetz has a book called, Recovered Man, and a podcast that has practical and helpful aspects to it.

Stack of books



(Lesson format with spaces to write in personal reflections and deeper insight) These can be used as a guide for group meetings:

Seven Pillars of Freedom Workbook by Ted Roberts / Pure Desire Ministries

New Hope for Sexual Integrity by Darrell Brazell (the 6th entry in their e-store)

Faithful & True Workbook by Mark Laaser

The Walk of Repentance (a 24-week guide to personal transformation) by Steve Gallagher

Redeemed Sexuality by Andrew A. Boa

Audio / Video Teaching:

Conquer Series (I understand that the producer of the video series also offers online accountability and lessons here.)

Sexual Integrity 101 video series by Pure Desire (Here is a brief introduction to the topics covered in this video series. Especially listen to 7:10 to 27:08.)